A selfportrait project (2014-2015)
During this term, the students attending "Hello Calgary" have developed a project called " A selfportrait project".
In this project, they have elaborated videos in order to introduce themselves to their mates in Calgary. And, at the same time, they have created their selfportrait picture based on pop-art style*
To take a look at the results, you can visit the following link:
*The idea for this activity was taken from the following blog:
What's your favourite place in Barcelona? (2013-2014)
Our students explain what their favourite parts of the city are.
Nuestros alumnos explican qué parte de su ciudad les gusta más.
Our favourite places in Barcelona, Catalonia
A trip to Catalonia / Viaje por Catalunya (2013-2014)
Los alumnos del Institut Quatre Cantons han elaborado, en este segundo turno, presentaciones que tenían com objetivo mostrar Catalunya. Para ello han trabajdo por grupos y cada uno de ellos ha diseñado una ruta turística decidiendo y seleccionando lugares emblemáticos de Catalunya. Aquí os mostramos un prezi y un video.
Our students at Institut Quatre Cantons have created, in this second turn, presentantions that aimed at showing Catalonia. To do so they have worked in gropus and each of then has designed a touristic route deciding and selecting landmarks in Catalonia. Here you are a prezi presentation and a video.
1. This is the link to the Prezi presentation prepared by one of the groups. Este es el enlace para ver la presentación Prezi elaborada por unos de los grupos